What We Believe
The Bible
We Believe in the Bible, the Word of God, all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2Tim. 3:16-17
The Blood
Jesus Christ Died on the cross and shed his blood for the sins of the world, to break the power of sin and death and restore man to a right relationship with God
1 Peter 1:18
Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Jesus is the Son of God who was crucified to reconcile us back to the Father. We believe Jesus Christ rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven and remains there until he returns again to judge all men at the last day.
John 3:16
Justified By Faith
Justification of our faith is in Christ and Christ alone, this is the regeneration by the Holy Spirit and is vital for the salvation of a lost and sinful man
Ephesians 2:8-9
Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
We believe that he one will one day return When Jesus comes again, He will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked
Revelation 1:7–8
Local Church
We Believe that the work of the Lord operates through the church and the Body of Christ. We Believe that the local church is essential to the growth of the Kingdom of God and we believe in the ordinances of God
We Believe in Repentance we believe in turning away from sin and turning to Christ, for you first have to repent in order to be born again it simple means to change ones mind to go from being in one direction and turning to Jesus Christ
Baptism in Water
We Believe in Water baptism which is a symbol of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection. We enter the water as a symbol of entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ,
We Believe in Heaven and Hell
We Believe that Jesus Christ was the mediator between heaven and earth we believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven
The Great Commission
We believe that we should go into all the world and preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations, this was the Lord Jesus Christ Final command before he Left the Earth
Mark 16:15
We Believe God is a Holy God and we believe In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling within the Christian which enables us to live a holy life.
1 Peter 1:15-16
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
We believe In the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the initial evidence of the reception of this experience is speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We Believe in the power of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:11
We Believe that Gods Healing Power is still available today through the work of the Holy Spirit. We believe The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing both Physically and Spiritually
James 5:14-15 / Matthew 11:28-30